Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Westminster - Week 37

Hello everyone!
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I wore a green tie! It was fun. Anyway, life in the mission field is going great still. Elder Hunt did a great job as a senior companion and we actually got a lot accomplished. We did a lot more harvesting (less active finding) and found time to present our findings to the Ward leaders. They each said that we had done some good work and had found out a lot of useful info like who had moved and who was friendly towards the Church. We now have a lot of people friendly to missionaries who could use some help getting back to church. Also this week we inherited some awesome investigators from another Ward. They just barely moved from another mission but their missionaries used the referral system and we were in touch with them within a couple days. Anyway they are awesome. Well us missionaries are going to a place called”Jump Street” where you play dodgeball on trampolines. I’ve got to get people moving now! Bye!
-Elder Peterson

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