Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fort Collins - Week 11

Hi Everyone!
So this week seemed really short but we still did so much stuff that it all seemed so long ago. We actually helped out this guy who is kind of classified, still only as a potential investigator. We met him at the beginning of my mission and have since then have just been going back to visit and he is awesome. He fixed up our bikes for us and we offered help with his projects in the backyard. We felt prompted that when we go back to visit that we shouldn’t try and force anything on him since we didn’t think he would respond, so we haven’t. It wasn’t long before he asked his own questions and even shared some cool experiences he had had in his life. At the end of the work he even told us that his girlfriend was pregnant and that he hadn’t told anyone yet besides us. At first you could tell that this had been dwelling on his mind for a while and was kind of lost as to what to do but after some encouragement from us he now sounds pretty excited to be a father. He is a great guy and he actually took us mountain biking this morning. It was awesome. Well we'll keep giving him that support he needs as he prepares to become a father and he already has a great view on the LDS church thanks to us. Well I got to go but I hope you all have a great week! Thank you for all you do!   
-Elder Peterson

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